2D Boxes
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Box2D | box2d (...) |
Box2D | box2d_from_points (...) |
V2D | box2d_center (...) |
void | box2d_add (...) |
void | box2d_addn (...) |
void | box2d_add_circle (...) |
void | box2d_merge (...) |
void | box2d_segments (...) |
real | box2d_area (...) |
bool_t | box2d_is_null (...) |
Types and Constants
Box2D | kNULL |
2D containers or (Bounding boxes) delimit the area of the plane occupied by different geometric elements (Figure 1). They are useful in the collision detection or clipping operations, which prevent non-visible figures from being drawn, improving overall performance.
- Use box2d_from_pointsf to create a 2D box from a set of points.
- Use box2d_addnf to change dimensions based on new points.
- Use box2d_segmentsf to get the four segments that delimit the box.

const Box2Df kBOX2D_NULLf; const Box2Dd kBOX2D_NULLd; const Box2D Box2D::kNULL;
Represents a null box (without geometry).
box2d ()
Create a new box with the indicated limits.
Box2Df box2df(const real32_t minX, const real32_t minY, const real32_t maxX, const real32_t maxY); Box2Dd box2dd(const real64_t minX, const real64_t minY, const real64_t maxX, const real64_t maxY); Box2D Box2D(const real minX, const real minY, const real maxX, const real maxY);
minX | The lower limit on X. |
minY | The lower limit on Y. |
maxX | The upper limit on X. |
maxY | The upper limit on Y. |
The newly created box.
box2d_from_points ()
Create a new box containing a set of points.
Box2Df box2d_from_pointsf(const V2Df *p, const uint32_t n); Box2Dd box2d_from_pointsd(const V2Dd *p, const uint32_t n); Box2D Box2D::from_points(const V2D *p, const uint32_t n);
p | 2d point vector. |
n | Number of points in vector. |
The newly created box.
box2d_center ()
Returns the center point.
V2Df box2d_centerf(const Box2Df *box); V2Dd box2d_centerd(const Box2Dd *box); V2D Box2D::center(const Box2D *box);
box | The container. |
Center coordinates.
box2d_add ()
Expand the dimensions of the box to contain the entry point. If the point is already within its area, the box is not modified.
void box2d_addf(Box2Df *box, const V2Df *p); void box2d_addd(Box2Dd *box, const V2Dd *p); void Box2D::add(Box2D *box, const V2D *p);
box | The container. |
p | The point to include. |
box2d_addn ()
Expand the dimensions of the box to contain several points. It is equivalent to calling the method box2d_addf successively.
void box2d_addnf(Box2Df *box, const V2Df *p, const uint32_t n); void box2d_addnd(Box2Dd *box, const V2Dd *p, const uint32_t n); void Box2D::addn(Box2D *box, const V2D *p, const uint32_t n);
box | The container. |
p | Vector points to include. |
n | Number of points. |
box2d_add_circle ()
Expand the dimensions of the container to accommodate a circle.
void box2d_add_circlef(Box2Df *box, const Cir2Df *cir); void box2d_add_circled(Box2Dd *box, const Cir2Dd *cir); void Box2D::add_circle(Box2D *box, const Cir2D *cir);
box | The container. |
cir | Circle. |
box2d_merge ()
Expand the dimensions of dest
to contain src
void box2d_mergef(Box2Df *dest, const Box2Df *src); void box2d_merged(Box2Dd *dest, const Box2Dd *src); void Box2D::merge(Box2D *dest, const Box2D *src);
dest | The container that will be expanded. |
src | The container that must be added. |
box2d_segments ()
Gets the four segments that make up the box.
void box2d_segmentsf(const Box2Df *box, Seg2Df *segs); void box2d_segmentsd(const Box2Dd *box, Seg2Dd *segs); void Box2D::segments(const Box2D *box, Seg2D *segs);
box | The container. |
segs | Array of at least four segments. |
box2d_area ()
Gets the area of the box.
real32_t box2d_areaf(const Box2Df *box); real64_t box2d_aread(const Box2Dd *box); real Box2D::area(const Box2D *box);
box | The container. |
The area (width * height)
box2d_is_null ()
Check if a container is null (without any geometry inside).
bool_t box2d_is_nullf(const Box2Df *box); bool_t box2d_is_nulld(const Box2Dd *box); bool_t Box2D::is_null(const Box2D *box);
box | The container. |
if is null, FALSE
if contains any geometry.