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Character strings in UTF-8, dynamically allocated.
String objects contain dynamically reserved UTF-8 character strings. Although on certain occasions we can use static text strings (char_t str[128]
), on other occasions we will need the texts to be persistent or be part of structures or objects. It won't always be possible to predict how much memory the string will need, so storing it dynamically will be a better option. The first four bytes of the object store the size (in bytes) of the text, including the final null character (Figure 1), so we must use the tc()
function to access the const char_t*
with the text. The NAppGUI strings.h
module offers a multitude of functions for working with UTF8 text strings, both static and dynamic.
- Use str_c to create a dynamic copy of a static C string.
- Use str_printf to compose a dynamic string using the same format as C
. - Use tc to get a
const char_t*
pointer to the content of aString
. - Use str_len to get the size in bytes of the string.
- Use str_nchars to get the number of characters.

in memory.
1 2 3 4 5 6 |
Do not confuseString
objects with C text stringsconst char_t *str
orchar_t str[128]
. The first contain a pointer to the dynamic memory area and an integer with the number of bytes reserved.
Do not confuse the size of the string len with the number of characters nchars. In UTF8 they do not have to match.
In the case that it is necessary to create more extensive texts from loops, the most efficient way is to create a Stream and, later, obtain the associated String.
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String *str = NULL; Stream *stm = stm_memory(2048); uint32_t n = arrpt_size(products, Product); stm_printf(stm, "List of %d products\n", n); arrpt_foreach(product, products, Product); stm_printf(stm, "Code: %s, Price %8.2f.\n", tc(product->code), product->price); arrpt_end() str = stm_str(stm); stm_close(&stm); // Do something with 'str' ... str_destroy(&str); |
tc ()
Returns the inner C string in format UTF-8 contained in the String.
const char_t* tc(const String *str);
str | String object. |
Pointer to the C-string.
tcc ()
Returns the inner C (non-const) string in UTF-8 format contained in String.
char_t* tcc(String *str);
str | String object. |
Pointer to the C-string.
str_c ()
Create a String from a UTF-8-encoded C string.
String* str_c(const char_t *str);
str | C UTF8 string ending in null character |
The String object.
str_cn ()
Create a String by copying the first n
bytes of a C string.
String* str_cn(const char_t *str, const uint32_t n);
str | UTF8 C String. |
n | The number of bytes to copy. |
The String object.
In UTF-8 strings, the number of bytes does not correspond to the number of characters.
str_trim ()
Create a String from a C string by cutting the blanks, both at the beginning and at the end.
String* str_trim(const char_t *str);
str | C UTF8 string ending in null character |
The String object.
str_trim_n ()
Create a String from the first n
bytes of a C string cutting the blanks, both at the beginning and at the end.
String* str_trim_n(const char_t *str, const uint32_t n);
str | UTF8 C string. |
n | The number of bytes to consider from the original string. The copy can contain 'n' or fewer bytes, depending on the number of blanks. |
The String object.
str_copy ()
Create an exact copy of the String.
String* str_copy(const String *str);
str | The original String object. |
The copy of String object.
Strings are a special type of mutable object. Copy involves creating a new object and not increasing a reference counter.
str_printf ()
Compose a String from several fields, using the the printf
String* str_printf(const char_t *format, ...);
format | String with the printf-like format with a variable number of parameters. |
... | Arguments or variables of the printf. |
The String object.
The use of this function prevents buffer overflow vulnerabilities, associated with the classic C functions such as strcpy
str_path ()
Like str_printf, but consider the string to be a pathname and therefore use the convenient separator according platform
String* str_path(const platform_t platform, const char_t *format, ...);
1 2 |
platform | Platform for which the pathname is created. |
format | String with the printf-like format with a variable number of parameters. |
... | Arguments or variables of the printf. |
The String object.
str_cpath ()
Like str_path, but considering the platform where the program is running.
String* str_cpath(const char_t *format, ...);
1 2 3 |
format | String with the printf-like format with a variable number of parameters. |
... | Arguments or variables of the printf. |
The String object.
str_relpath ()
Calculate the relative path to path1
to get to path2
. That is, with path1 + ret
we would get the absolute route to path2
String* str_relpath(const platform_t platform, const char_t *path1, const char_t *path2);
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 |
String *rel1 = str_relpath(ekLINUX, "/home/fran/data", "/home/fran/data/image/car.png"); String *rel2 = str_relpath(ekLINUX, "/home/fran/data/", "/home/fran/data/image/car.png"); String *rel3 = str_relpath(ekLINUX, "/home/fran/data", "/home/fran/other/image/car.png"); String *rel4 = str_relpath(ekLINUX, "/home/fran/data/", "/home/fran/other/image/car.png"); String *rel5 = str_relpath(ekLINUX, "/home/fran/data/images", "/usr/lib/libmy.a"); String *rel6 = str_relpath(ekLINUX, "/home/fran/data/images/", "/usr/lib/libmy.a"); String *rel7 = str_relpath(ekWINDOWS, "/home/fran/data/images/", "/usr/lib/libmy.a"); str_equ(rel1, "/image/car.png") == TRUE str_equ(rel2, "image/car.png") == TRUE str_equ(rel3, "/../other/image/car.png") == TRUE str_equ(rel4, "../other/image/car.png") == TRUE str_equ(rel5, "/../../../../usr/lib/libmy.a") == TRUE str_equ(rel6, "../../../../usr/lib/libmy.a") == TRUE str_equ(rel7, "..\\..\\..\\..\\usr\\lib\\libmy.a") == TRUE |
platform | Platform for which the path is calculated (for directory separator). |
path1 | The origin path. |
path2 | The destination path. |
The string object that contains the relative path.
str_crelpath ()
Calculate the relative path to path1
to get to path2
String* str_crelpath(const char_t *path1, const char_t *path2);
path1 | The origin path. |
path2 | The destination path. |
The string object that contains the relative path.
Same as str_relpath, but using the directory separator of the platform where the program is running.
str_repl ()
Create a String by replacing an undetermined number of sub-strings. The first parameter is the original string. The following pairs indicate the sub-string to be searched and the sub-string that should replace it. The last parameter must be NULL
String* str_repl(const char_t *str, ...);
1 2 |
str | Original C UTF8 string terminated in null character |
... | Variable number of parameters, in pairs. The first element of the pair indicates the sub-string to look for in |
The String object.
str_reserve ()
Create a String with n+1 bytes, but without assigning any content.
String* str_reserve(const uint32_t n);
n | Number of bytes. Reserve space for one more (the |
The String object. Its content will be indeterminate (garbage). It must be written later.
str_fill ()
Create a String by repeating n
times the same character.
String* str_fill(const uint32_t n, const char_t c);
n | Number of characters. |
c | Pattern character. |
The String object.
str_read ()
Create a String by reading its contents from a Stream (de-serialization). String must have been previously written by str_write
String* str_read(Stream *stream);
stream | A read stream. |
The String object.
It is a binary operation. String size is deserialized first.
str_write ()
Write a string in a Streams (serialization).
void str_write(Stream *stream, String *str);
stream | A write stream. |
str | The String object. |
It is a binary operation. The string size is serialized first. Use str_writef to write only the text.
str_writef ()
Write in a Streams the C string contained in the string.
void str_writef(Stream *stream, String *str);
stream | A write stream. |
str | The String object. |
Write only the string text, without the null final character '\0'
. It is equivalent to stm_writef(stream, tc(str));
but more efficient, since you don't have to calculate the size of str
str_copy_c ()
Copy the C string src
in the buffer pointed by dest
, including the null character '\0'
void str_copy_c(char_t *dest, const uint32_t size, const char_t *str);
dest | Destination Buffer. |
size | Size in bytes of |
str | UTF8 C string terminated in null character |
It is a safe operation. They will not be written in dest
more of size
bytes and a character will never be truncated. dest
it will always end the null character '\0'
str_copy_cn ()
Copy in dest
a maximum of n
bytes of the C UTF8 string pointed by src
, including the null character '\0'
void str_copy_cn(char_t *dest, const uint32_t size, const char_t *str, const uint32_t n);
dest | Destination Buffer. |
size | Size in bytes of |
str | UTF8 C string. |
n | Maximum number of bytes to copy in |
It is a safe operation. They will not be written in dest
more of n
bytes and a character will never be truncated. dest
it will always end the null character '\0'
str_cat ()
Dynamically concatenates the content of src
in dest
void str_cat(String **dest, const char_t *src);
**dest | String object of origin and destination. |
src | UTF8 C string to concatenate. |
This operation involves reallocating dynamic memory. To compose long texts it is more efficient to use Stream.
str_cat_c ()
Concatenate the content of src
in dest
. The null character in dest
will be overwritten by the first character of src
void str_cat_c(char_t *dest, const uint32_t size, const char_t *src);
dest | UTF8 C string origin and destination. |
size | Size in bytes of |
src | UTF8 C string to concatenate. |
It is a safe operation. They will not be written in dest
more of size
bytes and a character will never be truncated. dest
it will always end the null character '\0'
str_upd ()
Change the content of a string to another.
void str_upd(String **str, const char_t *new_str);
1 2 3 4 5 6 |
// Equivalent code String *str = ..original content.. String *temp = str_c(new_str); str_destroy(&str); str = temp; temp = NULL; |
str | Destination string object. The original content will be deleted. |
new_str | UTF8 C string that will replace the original. |
str_destroy ()
Destroy a string object.
void str_destroy(String **str);
str | The string object. Will be set to |
str_destopt ()
Destroy a string object if its content is not NULL
(optional destroyer).
void str_destopt(String **str);
str | The string object. Will be set to |
str_len ()
Returns the size in bytes of a string.
uint32_t str_len(const String *str);
str | The String object. |
The number of bytes, not including the null character '\0'
In UTF-8 strings the number of bytes is not the same as the characters. str_nchars.
str_len_c ()
Returns the size in bytes of a UTF8 C string.
uint32_t str_len_c(const char_t *str);
str | UTF8 C string terminated in null character |
The number of bytes, not including the null character '\0'
In UTF-8 strings the number of bytes is not the same as the characters. str_nchars.
str_nchars ()
Returns the number of characters of a string object.
uint32_t str_nchars(const String *str);
str | The String object. |
The number of characters, not including the null character '\0'
In UTF-8 strings the number of bytes is not the same as the characters.
str_prefix ()
Locate the common begin of two strings.
uint32_t str_prefix(const char_t *str1, const char_t *str2);
str1 | First UTF8 C string terminated in null character |
str2 | Second UTF8 C string terminated in null character |
The number of bytes that are identical at the beginning of both strings.
str_is_prefix ()
Check if one string is prefix of another.
bool_t str_is_prefix(const char_t *str, const char_t *prefix);
str | UTF8 C string terminated in null character |
prefix | Prefix of |
if prefix
is prefix of str
str_is_sufix ()
Check if one string is a suffix of another.
bool_t str_is_sufix(const char_t *str, const char_t *sufix);
str | Null-terminated UTF8 C string |
sufix | Suffix of |
si sufix
is sufix of str
str_scmp ()
Compare two strings alphabetically.
int str_scmp(const String *str1, const String *str2);
str1 | First string. |
str2 | Second string. |
Comparison result.
str_cmp ()
Compare alphabetically a string with a UTF8 C string.
int str_cmp(const String *str1, const char_t *str2);
str1 | String object. |
str2 | C UTF8 string terminated in null character |
Comparison result.
str_cmp_c ()
Compare alphabetically two UTF8 C strings terminated in a null character '\0'
int str_cmp_c(const char_t *str1, const char_t *str2);
str1 | First UTF8 C string. |
str2 | Second UTF8 C string. |
Comparison result.
str_cmp_cn ()
Compare alphabetically the first n
bytes of two UTF8 C strings terminated in a null character '\0'
int str_cmp_cn(const char_t *str1, const char_t *str2, const uint32_t n);
str1 | First UTF8 C string. |
str2 | Second UTF8 C string. |
n | Maximum number of bytes to compare. |
Comparison result.
It is a safe operation. If either of the two chains reaches the end before reaching n
bytes, the comparison ends.
str_empty ()
Check if a string is empty (str->data[0] == '\0'
bool_t str_empty(const String *str);
str | The String object. |
if it is empty or is NULL
str_empty_c ()
Check if a UTF8 C string is empty (str[0] == '\0'
bool_t str_empty_c(const char_t *str);
str | UTF8 C string. |
if it is empty or is NULL
str_equ ()
Check if the content of a string is equal to a C string.
bool_t str_equ(const String *str1, const char_t *str2);
str1 | String object. |
str2 | UTF8 C string terminated in null character |
if they are equals.
str_equ_c ()
Check if two UTF8 C strings are equal.
bool_t str_equ_c(const char_t *str1, const char_t *str2);
str1 | First UTF8 C string terminated in null character |
str2 | Second UTF8 C string terminated in null character |
if they are equals.
str_equ_cn ()
Check if the first bytes of two UTF8 C strings are equal.
bool_t str_equ_cn(const char_t *str1, const char_t *str2, const uint32_t n);
str1 | First UTF8 C string terminated in null character |
str2 | Second UTF8 C string terminated in null character |
n | First 'n' bytes to compare. |
if they are equals.
If '\0' is reached in either of the two strings, TRUE
will be returned.
str_equ_nocase ()
Check if two UTF8 C strings are equal, ignoring upper or lower case.
bool_t str_equ_nocase(const char_t *str1, const char_t *str2);
str1 | First UTF8 C string terminated in null character |
str2 | Second UTF8 C string terminated in null character |
if they are equals.
Only US-ASCII characters are considered (0-127).
str_equ_end ()
Check the termination of a string.
bool_t str_equ_end(const char_t *str, const char_t *end);
str | UTF8 C string terminated in null character |
end | UTF8 C string with termination. |
if str
ends in end
str_upper ()
Change lowercase letters to uppercase.
void str_upper(String *str);
str | The String object. |
Only US-ASCII characters (0-127) are considered. The original string will change, but not the memory requirements.
str_lower ()
Change uppercase letters to lowercase letters.
void str_lower(String *str);
str | The String object. |
Only US-ASCII characters (0-127) are considered. The original string will change, but not the memory requirements.
str_upper_c ()
Convert a string to uppercase.
void str_upper_c(char_t *dest, const uint32_t size, const char_t *str);
dest | Destination buffer. |
size | Size in bytes of the destination buffer. |
str | String C UTF8 terminated in null character |
Only US-ASCII characters are considered (0-127).
str_lower_c ()
Convert a string to lowercase.
void str_lower_c(char_t *dest, const uint32_t size, const char_t *str);
dest | Destination buffer. |
size | Size in bytes of the destination buffer. |
str | String C UTF8 terminated in null character |
Only US-ASCII characters are considered (0-127).
str_subs ()
Change all instances of one character to another.
void str_subs(String *str, const char_t replace, const char_t with);
1 2 3 4 |
str | The String object. |
replace | Character to replace. |
with | Replacement character. |
Only US-ASCII characters (0-127) are considered. The original string will change, but not the memory requirements.
str_repl_c ()
Change all instances of one substring to another.
void str_repl_c(String *str, const char_t *replace, const char_t *with);
str | The String object. |
replace | Substring to replace. |
with | Replacement substring. |
The substrings replace
and with
they must be the same size, otherwise a Asserts will be triggered. Use str_repl for the general case.
str_str ()
Search for a substring within a larger one.
const char_t* str_str(const char_t *str, const char_t *substr);
str | UTF8 C strings terminated in null character |
substr | Substring to search terminated in null character |
Pointer to the first occurrence of substr
in str
if there is none.
str_split ()
Divide a string into two, using the first occurrence of a substring.
bool_t str_split(const char_t *str, const char_t *substr, String **left, String **right);
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 |
str | UTF8 C string terminated in null character |
substr | Substring to search. |
left | Left substring. It will be equal to |
right | Right substring. It will be equal to |
if substr
exists in str
is not used, left
and right
will always return a valid string, even if it is empty.
str_split_trim ()
Like str_split but removing all the blanks at the beginning and end of left
and right
bool_t str_split_trim(const char_t *str, const char_t *substr, String **left, String **right);
str | UTF8 C string terminated in null character |
substr | Substring to search. |
left | Left substring. |
right | Right substring. |
if substr
exists in str
is not used, left
and right
will always return a valid string, even if it is empty.
str_splits ()
Splits a string into several, using a substring as a separator.
ArrPt(String)* str_splits(const char_t *str, const char_t *substr, const bool_t trim, const bool_t add_empty);
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 |
str | UTF8 C string terminated in null character |
substr | Substring to search (separator). It can be |
trim | If |
add_empty | If |
Array with the substrings found. It must be destroyed with arrpt_destroy(&array, str_destroy, String)
is applied first and then add_empty
str_split_pathname ()
Divide a pathname into path
and file
Filename and pathname.
void str_split_pathname(const char_t *pathname, String **path, String **file);
1 2 3 4 5 6 |
String *path, *name, *name2; str_split_pathname("C:\\Users\\john\\Desktop\\image.png", &path, &name); str_split_pathname(tc(path), NULL, name2); path = "C:\\Users\\john\\Desktop" name = "image.png" name2 = "Desktop" |
pathname | Input pathname. |
path | Directory path. The parameter can be |
file | File name or final directory. The parameter can be |
str_split_pathext ()
Like str_split_pathname but also extracting the file extension.
void str_split_pathext(const char_t *pathname, String **path, String **file, String **ext);
1 2 3 4 5 |
String *path, *name, *ext; str_split_pathext("C:\\Users\\john\\Desktop\\image.png", &path, &name, &ext); path = "C:\\Users\\john\\Desktop" name = "image" ext = "png" |
pathname | Input pathname. |
path |
file |
ext | File extension. |
str_filename ()
Returns the final part of a pathname. Filename and pathname.
const char_t* str_filename(const char_t *pathname);
1 2 |
const char_t *name = str_filename("C:\\Users\\john\\Desktop\\image.png"); name = "image.png" |
pathname | Input pathname. |
The last part of a directory path.
str_filext ()
Returns the file extension, from a pathname. Filename and pathname.
const char_t* str_filext(const char_t *pathname);
1 2 |
const char_t *ext = str_fileext("C:\\Users\\john\\Desktop\\image.png"); ext = "png" |
pathname | Input pathname. |
The file extension.
str_find ()
Search for a string in an array.
uint32_t str_find(const ArrPt(String) *array, const char_t *str);
array | Array. |
str | The string to find. |
The position of the string or UINT32_MAX
if it does not exist.
str_to_i8 ()
Converts a text string into an integer.
int8_t str_to_i8(const char_t *str, const uint32_t base, bool_t *error);
str | Text string, ending in null character |
base | Numeric base: 8 (octal), 10 (decimal), 16 (hexadecimal). |
error | Gets |
The numerical value.
If the string is wrong or the value is out of range, return 0 with error=TRUE
str_to_i16 ()
Converts a text string into an integer.
int16_t str_to_i16(const char_t *str, const uint32_t base, bool_t *error);
str | Text string, ending in null character |
base | Numeric base: 8 (octal), 10 (decimal), 16 (hexadecimal). |
error | Gets |
The numerical value.
If the string is wrong or the value is out of range, return 0 with error=TRUE
str_to_i32 ()
Converts a text string into an integer.
int32_t str_to_i32(const char_t *str, const uint32_t base, bool_t *error);
str | Text string, ending in null character |
base | Numeric base: 8 (octal), 10 (decimal), 16 (hexadecimal). |
error | Gets |
The numerical value.
If the string is wrong or the value is out of range, return 0 with error=TRUE
str_to_i64 ()
Converts a text string into an integer.
int64_t str_to_i64(const char_t *str, const uint32_t base, bool_t *error);
str | Text string, ending in null character |
base | Numeric base: 8 (octal), 10 (decimal), 16 (hexadecimal). |
error | Gets |
The numerical value.
If the string is wrong or the value is out of range, return 0 with error=TRUE
str_to_u8 ()
Converts a text string into an integer.
uint8_t str_to_u8(const char_t *str, const uint32_t base, bool_t *error);
str | Text string, ending in null character |
base | Numeric base: 8 (octal), 10 (decimal), 16 (hexadecimal). |
error | Gets |
The numerical value.
If the string is wrong or the value is out of range, return 0 with error=TRUE
str_to_u16 ()
Converts a text string into an integer.
uint16_t str_to_u16(const char_t *str, const uint32_t base, bool_t *error);
str | Text string, ending in null character |
base | Numeric base: 8 (octal), 10 (decimal), 16 (hexadecimal). |
error | Gets |
The numerical value.
If the string is wrong or the value is out of range, return 0 with error=TRUE
str_to_u32 ()
Converts a text string into an integer.
uint32_t str_to_u32(const char_t *str, const uint32_t base, bool_t *error);
str | Text string, ending in null character |
base | Numeric base: 8 (octal), 10 (decimal), 16 (hexadecimal). |
error | Gets |
The numerical value.
If the string is wrong or the value is out of range, return 0 with error=TRUE
str_to_u64 ()
Converts a text string into an integer.
uint64_t str_to_u64(const char_t *str, const uint32_t base, bool_t *error);
str | Text string, ending in null character |
base | Numeric base: 8 (octal), 10 (decimal), 16 (hexadecimal). |
error | Gets |
The numerical value.
If the string is wrong or the value is out of range, return 0 with error=TRUE
str_to_r32 ()
Convert a string of text into a real.
real32_t str_to_r32(const char_t *str, bool_t *error);
str | Text string, ending in null character |
error | Gets |
The numerical value.
If the string is wrong or the value is out of range, return 0.0 with error=TRUE
str_to_r64 ()
Convert a string of text into a real.
real64_t str_to_r64(const char_t *str, bool_t *error);
str | Text string, ending in null character |
error | Gets |
The numerical value.
If the string is wrong or the value is out of range, return 0.0 with error=TRUE