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Subversion in Eclipse

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We will see how to configure Eclipse to manage Subversion repositories and synchronize them with local working copies. The great advantage of Eclipse is that it is available on today's outdated Linux versions. We can have a complete and functional development environment on machines that do not support VSCode or other more modern alternatives. Managing Subversion repositories in an integrated way with the environment will be very useful. For this tutorial we have relied on this page.

1. Subversive installation

The Subversive plugin will allow us to integrate Subversion within Eclipse.

  • We open Eclipse. For this example, we are using the Indigo 3.7.2 CDT release on Ubuntu 12.04.5 LTS.
  • Once opened, menu Help->Install New Software and press the [Add] button. A window will appear asking for a name and location (Figure 1). In Name we will put Subversive (or another). In Location we must put the following URL:
  • We press [OK].
  • Installation panel of new software in Eclipse.
    Figure 1: Adding the location of Subversive.
  • We select all the (Figure 2) options and press [Next]. We accept the licenses and possible notices that may appear.
  • Finally, it will ask us to restart Eclipse. We accept.
  • Subversive installation panel.
    Figure 2: Selecting the components to install.

2. Install connectors

Now we have to install the connectors between Eclipse and SVN.

  • Window->Preferences. In the window that opens, go to Team->SVN and then click on SVN Connector.
  • We press [Get Connectors...] (Figure 3).
  • Subversion preferences panel in Eclipse.
    Figure 3: Installing the SVN connectors.
  • Of the options that appear we stay with the first SVN Kit 1.8.14 (Figure 4).
  • Subversion Plugin Installation Panel.
    Figure 4: Selecting SVN Kit.
  • Press [Finish] and it will start searching for resources, in the process it will show us a window like the following (Figure 5):
  • Subversion plugin component installation panel.
    Figure 5: SVN connector components.
  • We mark both options and continue, we accept the license agreement and, if a window appears warning us that we are installing unsigned software, we will click OK to continue the installation process. When finished, it will ask us to restart Eclipse. Press [YES] and wait for it to restart.
  • To verify that everything has gone well, we return to the SVN Connector window screen and verify that the one we have installed now appears. (Figure 6):
  • Subversion preferences panel in Eclipse.
    Figure 6: Subversion plugin successfully installed in Eclipse.

3. Link repository

The time has come to link our remote Subversion repository with Eclipse. For it:

  • Window->Open Perspective->Other. A window will be displayed with the possible views, where we will choose SVN Repository Exploring (Figure 7).
  • Perspective selection box in Eclipse.
    Figure 7: Selection of the SVN perspective.
  • From the SVN Repositories tab, press the New repository location button, which will open a dialog where we will enter the URL of the remote repository, the username and password. Then press [Finish] (Figure 8).
  • Subversion repository location box in Eclipse.
    Figure 8: Connection to a remote Subversion repository.
  • Then we will see our remote repository linked within Eclipse (Figure 9).
  • SVN Repositories tab inside Eclipse, with valid content.
    Figure 9: Repository correctly linked.

4. Create working copy

  • From the SVN Repositories tab, right click on the branch you want to download. Then Find/Check Out As... (Figure 10).
  • SVN Repositories tab inside Eclipse, with different branches to checkout.
    Figure 10: Working copy from remote repository.
  • Then in the dialog Check out as project with the name specified: (Figure 11). We press [Next].
  • SVN Checkout dialog inside Eclipse.
    Figure 11: Name of the working copy in SVN Checkout.
  • We indicate the folder where we want to download the working copy (Figure 12).
  • SVN Checkout target box inside Eclipse.
    Figure 12: Destination of the working copy.
  • To finish within the C/C++ perspective, we go to the Project Explorer tab, where our local copy will be reflected (Figure 13).
  • Project explorer inside Eclipse, with an SVN working copy.
    Figure 13: Project Browser, with the working copy linked.
  • Now by right clicking on it, in the Team item we will have the usual Subversion options: Commit, Update, Merge, Switch, Revert, etc.
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